Kronos has never been outside the Malorian palace so when he goes to his coming of age parade, he runs off and meets The Kelpies Entertainment group. He always disappears into the night back to the palace as the King doesn't know that he escapes to see them. The Kelpies group competes for the royal entertainment group because it's always been their dream. The war was actually started centuries ago with two brothers, one a human, and one an elvish. The oldest brother was named Malor and the youngest was named Evenstien. The younger brother was selfish and wanted all power to himself, so he tried to murder his older brother. After Malor found out his plans, he banished him to the portal at the end of the eastern border where he could never escape. But since it was only him, that was banished, Evenstien ordered his brothers and sisters to attack Malor and his people. Once Malor has past away from an illness, the throne was past down to his son, Richard the 1st, he named the kingdom, Maloria, in respect of his father, and the Elvish and the humans have never gotten along ever since. Once a child was born, centuries later, with extraordinary powers that the elvish have never seen before, they sent him away to Maloria as a weapon, as unstable as he was, who knows what will happen..........