Meet Izuku Midoroya, a young boy who lived in a village in the far east. Born talentless, he was envious of everyone who had a special talent in his village, resulting him getting bullied by the boys around the village. One day, while getting bullied by the usual boys, a mysterious ash blonde male swooped into his rescue. After finishing the slight problem that caused Midoriya trouble, he announced that his gang were called 'The Seven Deadly Sins'. Unfortunately, they were looking for the seventh sin. This is where the talentless, young boy, Izuku Midoriya's, journey begins as he was the seventh sin.
There is a legend of a great sword that few know is true. When Izuku Midoriya, an average village boy, manages to find the sword on accident he is pushed head first into a dangerous quest. He is forced to face monsters and enemies who want the sword from him. Luckily Midoriya has his friends to rely on when times get tough.
(Slight) KamiJiro
No smut but definitely fluff.
I tried to keep the characters accurate but I apologize if they are not.