×××××××××××××××× ¬People always seems to like Ritchie so much, He's pretty likeable afterall. [?] But, Wait ¬Why does Ritchie avoids them so much? And what is a nurse doing here? ××××××××××××××××× ¬Michael is a chill guy. He's your typical cold headed guy to be the one who point out the facts with a straight face while not choosing any side in an arguments. "He also love his friends There's no doubt in that." ¬So when he knew that his friend was hurted by someone behind his back? Oh baby! Time to introduce them to hell then! Everyone knew not to mess with him or his friends. But it seemed that, they haven't really learn it yet. So! He will taught them a lesson. Like a good person he is. ×××××××××××××××××× ¬Austin loves his friends. Well, maybe not as much as Bri but nonethless! He would jump to the rescue for his friends. Everyone knew that ¬Austin is a fun and laid-back guy. He's that person who will make trouble seems fun and who will make party more exciting and plus a person who have love-hate relationship with the teachers. ¬There's rumour back then. When Michael was bullied because he was a 'nerd', Austin lashed out. ¬They said he was like a beast tearing down the bullies who were hurting his friend. His cold and calculative gaze screamed murder stare right through their souls. His sharp and cutting words sliced into every soft spot you could've ever imagined. ¬But looking at the grinning adorable guy who's wearing the panda hat while beaming at everyone, who would believe that? And so they ignored the rumours. Oh, how big mistake they did.. Because they will be the witnesess of their dumb mistakes. After all, no one mess with his friends and get away with it ×××××××××××××××××Todos los derechos reservados