Two people, one who is self-centered, arrogant and considered to be the 'King' and the other, who stands for what is right and considered to be the 'Princess', are among the Hundred.
Bellamy can't describe his attraction towards Clarke and neither does he want to admit it.
Clarke can't stand the arrogant 'King' and yet, her eyes always wanders towards him.
Both are unwilling to admit it, but they secretly know that they need eachother.
Then again, are they really unwilling?
~From the CW-TV Show 'The 100'.
Clarke and Finn have been together for awhile, when Bellamy discovers she isn't the only one Finn has been dating. They say what you don't know can't hurt you, Bellamy knows he won't stand by and watch Clarke get hurt, What he doesn't know is he just may be the one person she needs in her life to be happy. AU Bellarke.