"Hey, Skye?" I ask. "This label here says don't try this at home, so I'm coming over to yours." I say into my phone. School had just ended, and like normal BFFs, we couldn't stand not talking to each other for more than an hour.
Skye laughs, and I can imagine her blonde ponytail bobbing as she shakes her head at me.
"Eva, if I got a dollar for every smart thing you said, I'd be broke, honey," she replies, still chuckling. I smile. How did I land up with this coconut I call my best friend? The stupidity of the conversation reminds me of Justin.
"I gotta go, Skye, he's calling me," I say, referring to my very irritating boyfriend, who was currently poking me in the stomach.
"Excuses, excuses," Skye responds, "but I forgive. Have fun." The phone call ends, and I awkwardly blush, staring into the blue, blue eyes of the man I love. How did the unpopular, unsocial nerd like me get so lucky to know a guy like him?
"I love you, Eva Rose," he murmurs, making my heart ache in happiness. Fuck the butterflies - I can feel the whole zoo in my stomach.
"I love you too." And I mean it.
//You can break my heart in two, but when it heals it beats for you. I know it's forward, but it's true. - Back to You ❤❤//
Started - August 15, 2018