50 parts Complete Nova Carlson has been alive for sixteen years.
Years of secrets.
Years of lies.
Years of living in New Pangaea.
Ever since its start twenty years ago, when all boundaries between countries became nonexistent and all of humanity was forced to conform into one simple world, New Pangaea has been filled with unrest, criminal activity, protests, and rebellion.
Now they've found a solution. A device that could expose any criminals in seconds, could tell the entire world every and any secret anyone may have.
The idea behind it was to prevent crime and protect the world, while simultaneously promoting unity.
To anyone, this idea may seem like the saving grace New Pangaeans have been waiting for.
Except Nova has a secret.
**This is one of the first stories I've ever written (finished years ago), and I'm uploading it just because I thought it'd be cool to share it! That said, there may be some mistakes/other plot problems I have not yet addressed, since I haven't had time to focus on perfecting this story yet :)