Main character: Aspen Heathes
Bad boy: Wyatt Samburg
Bestfriend of aspen: Lydia Carson
Aspen's boyfriend: Leo Benjamin
2nd Bestfriend of aspen: Joshua Mikeson
And now, Their personality traits:
Aspen is straight, kind, heart-warming, Deep, Emotional,Goofy,Curious, But In the other side, She can be stubborn, ruthless, Violent.
Wyatt is straight, cold, violent, ruthless, But this is all due to his past which you will find out why later on, And, He will be a love interest in the fiction.
Lydia is bi, fun, boy crazy, party animal, Curious, A person to talk to about your problems, In the other side though,
If she finds out you're messing with her family,close friends or significant other, You got a storm coming.
Leo is straight, abusive, ruthless, disloyal.
Joshua is gay, kind-hearted, he's trustworthy and will do anything to protect his loved ones, He's funny, and a amazing person.