In 2016 after a fight with my friend I needed a place to vent. Since he was the one that I usually vented to, I wasn't sure what to do. Then I decided that writing it all down in my notes would suffice. So it started out as me just being angry about the guy and needing to get it out to just a journal where I could share my day and vent when I needed to. I don't know what made me decide to post these but I figured if anyone found this interesting then they can just read over some thoughts and rants that I've had for the past few years. Also I've been writing a lot more lately than I used to since I kinda change it into anything I wanted to talk about and not just thoughts about this guy. Also I have changed the names of people just in case they somehow find this and question me about it, although I doubt that'll happen. Alright I think that's enough of a rant here, if you would like to hear more rants then just keep reading.
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