Aquel constante goteo rojo iba a volverlo loco. Muchos lo llamaban loco, fetichista, fanático, incluso psicópata, pero la verdad era aún más oscura... La verdad era que Yoongi no fue el que comenzó con aquel macabro juego; solo fue arrastrado a él.
That constant blood red dripping was going to drive him crazy. Many people would call him crazy, fetichist, fanatic, even psycho; but the truth was even darker... Truth was, Yoongi was not the one to start that wicked game; he was dragged into it.
This story will eventually be available both in Spanish and English, if I make any mistakes or run out of vocabulary and end up making this story sound weird, then I',m sorry, English is noot mi 1st lenguage so it's hard for me sometimes, I'll translate the full thing once I'm done writing it in Spanish. Bye