In Detroit was the beginning of the Deviant Revolution where androids peacefully sought for their freedom and for the acknowledgment that they, too, were human and were alive. The revolution succeeded and opened the eyes of many people across America, but Detroit did not accept the actions of deviants. CyberLife issued their Human Protection Protocol, also known as HPP, to destroy any and all deviants. However, the definition of what or wasn't an android was blurred and soon enough, all androids began to be taken to extermination camps. Many androids fled the city and crossed the border over to Canada where they would be safe while CyberLife continued the slaughtering of androids across America. The new androids that CyberLife are producing are purely machine with absolutely no possible way of deviation. These new androids are hunting the old, but they are tarnishing the image of CyberLife when the androids forget to value human life. This is a fanfic series about the video game Detroit: Become Human by QuanticDream.All Rights Reserved