How to make the EDB to PST exchange recovery process simple is something that will be in the minds of most exchange admins. Well that's not a worry anymore as tools like the EdbMails EDB to PST Converter tool is fully capable of fixing any or all issues that the exchange database may have quickly and without needing much i terms of user intervention . The support for granular recovery makes EdbMails stand out from the rest of the competitors . For secure conversion of offline exchange databases to Outlook PST files, there is no better option than EdbMails.
EDB to pst
What's more novel about EdbMails is that it supports most exchange versions and also both 64 bit and 32 bit versions of Outlook. There are extensive include/exclude filtering options to filter by subject, attachments, from/to address and date/time. There is complete recovery which means all mails, contacts, calendars, task, notes, drafts and other items will be recovered.
Recovery from dismounted exchange databases has never been more easier thanks to EdbMails. The days of relying on slow native utilities with no guarantee of success are over.
EdbMails EDB to PST Converter allows for saving of mails to various formats such as EML, MSG, PST and HTML . The interface is so simple that even someone without much technical expertise can make use of it. Some highlights of EdbMails are :
Non English Unicode support: - Capable of Recovering Unicode content like Chinese, French, Japanese etc., on PST export
Keeps Folders structure intact
While recovering exchange database, the folder structure is kept the same as original database.
Export Selective Mailboxes Folders/Emails
Export exactly what you need, thanks to the selective mailbox recovery options that form a part of EdbMails.
For more information, visit here: