This story is based of from the game called Shin Megami Tensei: Persona. The concept and terms, characters and entities that are used are made and published by the video game company, Atlus and the game developers, Kouji Okada and Kazuma Kaneko. All the characters used in the story is from real life. Only characters from the Velvet Room will be used in the story. The setting of the story is set in the Philipines where false gods are going to judge humanity in the whole world. The last country to be judged is the Philipines where there are a lot of negative emotions and thoughts that are used to create into what the false gods make, Shadows, the accumulation of all the negative emotions. It is said by the gods that there is only one Hope for Humans, The 5 Great Fools, who posses an immense power of all the tarot cards. Each nation has 5 Great Fools. Its up to them to save their nation and the rest of the world.