You probably think that i'm a total badass because of my intials but you should think twice bout that i'm probably the best daughter you could have out of all my sisters. My family is probably the largest family i the world if you think about it because my dad is the president of two countries becasue he is so cool and my mom is just a lazily grumpy woman who mostly was on the ship to some island every month because of us kids;excluding me. I have a total of 126 brathers and sisters including me and guest what i was the youngest child of them all. I have 63 brothers man what a handfull, and 63 sisters including me. Don't worry my mom didn't have all of them she and dad adopted 90 children know right you probably heard of some becuase there celebrities like Ariana Grande, Zendaya, Selena Gomez, Emma Stone, Amber Heard, Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift etc etc. The boys are popular as my siters are to like Zac Efron, Andrew Garfield, Adam Levine, Dylan O'Brien etc etc.