Jane is a 14 year old boy with unusual talents living in an unusual society. Every person in the society is divided into three different groups. The first, for those of physical ability the terrans second the Blivinds for those of intelectual ability and finaly the Sephra. The Sephra are alot more complicated than Terran and Blivind. Sephra unlike the other two are devoted to both Intelectual and Physical ability making them rare and powerful. After your final year in primary school ( grade 7) you take a test in order to know wheather your a Terran or a Blivind. Ever since the creation of the three groups the sephra have been kept a secret to others in the society. It is only when you become part of the Sephra that you are told of their exsistence. To cover up what happens to those that join the Sephra it is said that those that don't belong to a group (Terran,Blivind) are to be exiled when in reality they become part of the Sephra. The lie is quite beliveable since only about 2 to 4 people in each age group from each of the 6 districts end up being Sephra. This is a thrilling story of how Jane a social outcast must overcome many challenges if he wants to be a fully fledged member of the Sephra and then become an Alzer. I'm not tellig what that is your just gonna have to read it if you wanna find out.All Rights Reserved