Lisa Berzins, Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1982, runs a private practice psychotherapy office in West Hartford, Connecticut. While primarily a clinical psychologist, she has also done academic research throughout her career.
Her first two publications stand somewhat in contrast to her later career. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 1981, for example, is titled "Reactions to intelligent others as a function of the perceiver's gender, sex role orientation and intellectual self-esteem" and relates to gender's relationship to perception of self-worth. Later, in 1982, Dr. Berzins published the article "Feeling Threatened Intellectually: The Role of Gender, Sex Role, Self-Esteem" also about gender. While her private practice still specializes in women's issues, her broader career arc is more focused on another topic: eating disorders and addiction.
It wasn't until 1997 that Dr. Berzins was published in another academic journal, though not for idleness. Her article "The Last Word" was published in the journal Eating Disorders. 1999 saw the publication of Lisa's "Protecting the Consumer Through Truth-in-Dieting Laws" in the Journal of Social Issues. This piece was a result of Dr. Berzins' political activism, which led to the drafting of the first diet disclosure laws in the country.
Finally, Dr. Berzins' most recent academic publication is from 2012, titled "The Development and Implementation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy" and is a product of her collaboration with various other regional psychologists.