I'm back at it again with another Supernatural reader insert story. I just can't stray away from some good old Supernatural imagines! And Jack is just the cutest, most wholesome character. Love him to death.
That being said, this will be fluffy, a little bit of angst, MAYBE a bit lemony. I just find it hard to write full-on smut about Jack. He's just an innocent lil bean.
ANYWHO, here is the description.
You'd felt like something was missing in your whole 21 years of existence. You were just an only child, living a normal life with your single mother. Eventually, she had fallen ill. She felt it appropriate to finally tell you about your absentee father whom you'd never met, on her deathbed. All she gave you was a name. "John Winchester". And a photo.
Not long after she passed, you wasted no time in trying to find any information about your biological father. After all, you had nothing to lose, and no family left. After digging and digging for any details you could find on this man on the internet, you found phone numbers. You called a few, no answer at first. On the fifth call, someone finally answered. And you wanted answers.
A few days later, you found yourself in Lebanon, Kansas, standing in front of some kind of bunker, and two older men. After that, the void you'd been feeling in your life would be filled with a world you'd never expected. And one person becomes the light in the darkness that is your life.
Dean's sitting at the kitchen table with Sam when his phone rings. Jody's name flashes across the screen and he considers not picking up, but Sam's there, and he'd start asking questions if he left the call alone. It's not like Dean doesn't want to talk to Jody, it's just that he can't bear talking to anyone these days.
"Hi, Jody," Sam says.
"Howdy, boys." She greets them and begins talking about a case she's asking them to take over. Dean doubts they will, Sam hasn't let him pick up a gun or knife in months, not since their last hunt.
Jody's voice cuts through the phone. "Alright, if you boys don't wanna take the case, I'll see if Castiel will, but I think he's helping Claire in Colorado-"
Dean doesn't hear a damn thing after that, and by the looks of it, Sam doesn't either. For the first time in days, Dean opens his mouth and speaks. "Cas is alive?"
Jody's voice is quiet on the other end. "He didn't tell you?"
Cas is alive, and Dean is figuring out what he should do about that when they learn Cas's accidental jailbreak broke The Empty, letting out most of its occupants. Now that every villain they have ever fought is back, Team Free Will 3.0 has their work cut out for them.
This is a A03 book
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48586954/chapters/122557750