Sunny is a normal girl, with a seemingly normal life. But when high school students go missing, and mysterious and magical things start happening, what can she do to help her friends? Can she save the world with her new found magical abilities, or is she forced to live a burdened life?
There was a missing poster, front and center on the offices bulletin board. Everyone stared at it, concerned. Some were frightened, terrified even. Syliphn being one of them. I’ve known Syliphin for years, and even though we only recently became friends, I knew her well enough to know what she was thinkin’. She was mortified.
“Do you know them…?” I asked her, laying my hand on her shoulder, which she blatantly shrugged off. “I know them well enough.” She mumbled, putting emphasis on that last part. I on the other hand, didn’t even recognize the two, but I was still concerned. They weren’t the first to go missing. They wouldn’t be the last, either.
We slowly walked to our class, our hearts heavy. 32. I thought. They are the 31st and 32nd people to go missing in the last two months. People, children, were going missing left and right. Out of the 32 missing, only 10 had been found. 3 dead. 7 severely injured.