Stephanie and the Gang have grown up and are now Seniors in high school. Stephanie has grown out of wearing all Pink but still keeps it in her outfit, she changed her hair color and style. Trixie has ditched the three ponytail and has stuck to one, she has changed her style slightly. Stingy is now the same boy his was when they were kids. Pixel wears less gadgets now and has modernized his style and changed his hair cut. Ziggy has changed the most, he's ditched the cape, sweets, and high resting socks now wearing a basketball shirt and red basketball shorts,but still keeps one of his favorite sweets on a chain. Sportacous of all of them hasn't aged or changed but he still hangs around the gang, he's learned to wear casual clothes occasionally. Now that Stephanie recognizes her hormones are causing her to feel things she didn't know she felt she realizes she's had a crush on Sportacous.All Rights Reserved