Hi Welcome to the life of Hope Swan - Jones! Hope is now 12 years old and is going into Grade 7 the first year of Jr. high as she has grown up life has been pretty normal living with her two parents Emma Swan and Killian Jones who are always defeating the crime and bad people in Storybrooke, Maine where before Hope was born many bad things happened but for the 12 years Hope's been alive nothing bad ever happened, as Hope thought. Once she turns 13 everything turns upside down and she faces many, many obstacles in her life. So come along and read about the life of Hope Swan - Jones and along side her are her best friends and her brother Henry Mills who once was an adult but now the same age as Hope. Enjoy ** I don't own some of these characters most came out of the amazing show Once Upon a Time I did create some all credits to the show and creators **All Rights Reserved