There will be no black flags army that would support the awaited Imam Mahdi in akhirul zaman or the guided Imam because according to Qur'an and Hadith as well as divine revelations received by Muhammad Qasim bin Abdulkarim (2014-2018) through dreams, the sign of the coming / appearance of Imam Mahdi near Qiyamah is the squadron of Black Fighter Jets Army of Pakistan Armed Force (PAF).
Pakistan is rendezvous for Muslims during the Greatest War of Mankind or Malhama Kubra, Muslim Ummah around the world will unite in Pakistan. We have presented you in this PDF the facts, proofs and explanations according to al-Quranul Karim and Ahadith.
This is not a fiction story but an actual news reporting and real-world article regarding Islamic religion and eschatology. We are here to deliver to you latest news, warning and explanation so that people who are familiar with this topic will not be left behind and would in-syaa-Allah have more time to prepare for the worst and best times.
"කේතුර් දන්නවද මම කේතුර්ට
කොච්චරක් ආදරෙයි කියල ?"
"හැමතිස්සෙම වචනෙන් නොකිව්වත් සර්ගෙ ඇස් මගේ ඇස් එක්ක පැටලෙනකොට ඒ දිලිසෙන ඇස්වලින් මට පේනවා සර් මට කොච්චර ආදරෙයිද කියලා."
ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම දැනුනේ මගහැරුණු හිත්වලට....ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම කරෙත් ඒ මගහැරුණු හිත්මයි.
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