Verity Chau.A fierce A student.Plush lips,tea-stained teeth,heart shaped face.Short,almost stocky,dark hair in her equally dark eyes.Popular,talked-about and admired,she's passably pretty,but unreasonably bright.A young but adept Junior Editor for the school post,she's also the youngest Student Council member.Verity is ambitious,brash and bolder than most.Behind her facade of a confident young talent,however,lies a dark truth-that her motivation is fear.
Darcy Clives.A pretty local pupil.Wide green eyes,pale skin,clear-cut face.Tall,slender,red hair tumbling to her waist in waves.Social pariah,but her close friends are,well,close.A peppy,awkward theatre kid,artistic and outspoken,she's stunning,but graceless and childlike.A talented actress and inspired artist.Behind her veneer of cheerful amiability,though,is a hollow secret that threatens the light behind her eyes.
They were almost strangers when it happened.
When a fateful rescue leads to an awkward meeting, Darcy's simple existence as a school wallflower quickly blooms into something new,and Verity soon finds herself pulled into a whirlwind of change,for better or worse.Both girls feel too old to call it a crush,to lie awake at night like blushing kids and wonder,and even all the all-nighters in Darcy's life stacked up would be less tiring than a game of guessing.
Bittersweet and romantic,"all the all-nighters in your life"is a cute little coming-of-age book exploring what it means to grow up,to find home,and to love who you love.