'Write four words that you would use to describe yourself.' Awkward. Weird. Fat. Ugly. 'Write four words that someone else may use to describe you' Awkward. Weird. Fat. Ugly 'Answer the questions truthfully' They said. 'There's no wrong or right answer' They said. 'It will help us understand you more." They told me. That's exactly what I've done. Staring down at the sheet of paper in front of me, my fingers gripping the pen I can't help but let their words swirl around my mind. My grip tightens around the pen, the words I've scribbled on the page seeming to come to life, laughing and taunting me as they surround my entire body. They suffocate me. I should be used to it. I should be immune to these words though. Because after all, they are constantly thrown at me everyday. I only have to look into a mirror to know that they are true.All Rights Reserved