This story is about a girl named Grace Okami. Her last name means wolf. She is from the planet Wolfsbane. Her people had wolf like qualities. Some had both ears and tails, others just have ears and their eyes yellow like a wolf's, and some had claws. But, the rarest was when they had two different eye colors, speed, agility, strength, wolf ears, but no tail. That was Grace Okami. There was only one born every few centuries. She was considered special, and so put into combat training. Then Zarkon invaded her planet. They had come for her, hearing how special she was. Taken prisoner, only a few of her race surviving being taken prisoner also, she is faced with hell. Will she be rescued? Or will she remain a prisoner?
Voltron is not mine, that honor belongs to the creators so thanks and enjoy.
Also, if you have better names for her planet than Wolfsbane, I am all ears.