We never saw it coming... All the signs were there, yet we never payed attention to them. We thought he was fine, he always seemed perfectly normal: Happy, smiling so much that his face hurt later, goofing around like usual... It was all an act, one that we couldn't see through... None of us could guess what he planning that day, not until he climbed up on that rickety old platform... Not until he jumped...
It's been over a year, we all believed that this nightmare was coming to an end... little did we know that it was only the beginning...
What we thought was simply paranoia and the trauma from losing our friend, turned out to be so much more...
First came the occasional disappearance of something that belonged to him. His ring, the picture of his parents, a small keychain from America. Later on it was things being knocked over or falling at random, which grew into us feeling an odd presence, like someone was watching us...
It was me and Yoongi who got the off-setting messages in the mirror and the faint whispering of his voice, his singing...
Jin and Namjoon claimed that they've seen him in reflective surfaces, reaching out to them while mouthing the words "It hurts".
But it was Jungkook and Hoseok who had it worse. They experienced flashbacks and some of Taehyung's emotions, along with a reoccurring nightmare about him appearing with blood stained hands, shirt, and face, a silver knife clutched in his hand as he charged at them, screaming at them like a madman while telling them he's crazy, that they should be careful...
That was when the marks and cuts appeared...
He's our ghost... And none of us believe his haunting will stop anytime soon..
Warning: Do not read if you are sensitive to mature content, gore, violence, mentions of suicide and depression or supernatural fiction.