The books series of warriors but with superpower!! before we start let me explain what things are about. cats from certain clans have a certain power plus a random power. so in total they have two. if you don't understand then too bad. hopefully you'll get it when you start reading, okay baiii. meet the five clans: Cloudclan: the main power of this clan is flight. they are all born with wings and are skilful in the air. they live on the top of a mountain waterclan: the main power in this clan is breathing underwater. they are all born with the power to breathe underwater, their paws are also suited to be able to swim quickly in water. they live on an island in the middle of the lake darkclan: the main power of this clan is shadows. they can turn into shadows for 1 minute and need a cooldown time of 2 minutes. they live in a dark cave in the forest superclan: the clan were the cats that past away go to. they give them signs to make sure the clans survive (basically starclan) evilclan: the clan where the cats that have past away go if they have done something horrible in their lives. (basically the dark forest)All Rights Reserved