I had a normal life. Except a little thing. Him. The man in converse. Every were I went, he would pop up. I called him converse man, but I'm not saying anything. It started when I was younger, I was about 5 years old, a small child too, under average in fact, many doctors believed I had a disorder but I'm average now. It was my birthday, and I remember my family celebrating it early like Christmas. I remember running down the steps my bunny slippers making odd sounds, and I remember turning the corner, I saw him. He stood rather tall at the time, he wore red worn converse, and a trench coat. He looked at me, and I remember the fear I felt. That feeling you get when you look a adult in the ye of a child remember? I was like that, I remember him picking me up, it was rather early when I saw the clock. 1:30 AM. I wondered what woke me,but started to doze off as I clutched to his jacket, he brushed my brown hair from my shoulders, and started bouncing a little like a mother, singing something in my ear, the last thing I remember was "Sleep tight little one, you don't have any worry's to keep you up late, like old me." And felt him kiss my forehead as a blanket was pulled over me on my couch. I thought it was a dream until I was 13, when things took a odd turn. Then again, they already had.