En cours d'écriture, Publié initialement juil. 02, 2012
Contenu pour adultes
"Alone. Away from home, with nothing but her truck in front of the most luxurious hotels on the West Coast.
Only one glance...
''I keep looking- I can't tear my eyes away from them, away from him- their love intrigues me. I now wish I could find love like that."
Is it possible for her to love someone who hasn't acknowledged her? How far would she go to find out who the mysterious man is...and would she be willing to risk anything for love...her love.
Or would she love from afar?"
Named Undiscovered Gem by Red Rose Awards
Winner as Best Angst Story by Red Rose Awards
Nominated Best Cliff Hanger by The Torch Awards
Nominated Most Promising Story by The Torch Awards
A Love Like Yours Named Promising New Story by FandomFanatic Blog
Nominated Best Suspense- Thriller at the Eclipse Awards 2012.
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.