28 parts Ongoing In a world devastated by calamity, Yijun's journey begins when his entire village is inexplicably wiped out. Desperate for answers and protection, he scales the mountaintop to seek aid from the legendary dragons. What he finds there is beyond his wildest imagination: not only does he meet the elusive dragons, but they too are struggling to maintain order in a world spinning out of control.
Amidst the chaos, Yijun learns of a plan by the dragons to restore balance, but their chosen emissary is terminally ill and harbors deep resentment towards humans. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Yijun, driven by impulse and perhaps destiny, seizes hold of the emissary and embarks on a tumultuous journey that intertwines love and the looming apocalypse.
As they navigate a landscape teetering on the brink of oblivion, Yijun and the dragon emissary forge an unlikely bond, confronting their own pasts and the harrowing challenges of a world on the brink of collapse. Together, they must unravel the mysteries of the disasters, confront present grudges, and ultimately decide the fate of the world itself.