There's a problem with Evelyn. She isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. In fact, the empty-headed woman went from quiet and reserved to plain ignorant when words are thrown out of her mouth. And it's undoubtedly ruining her life, making her want to take it now. But the only way she can find a foundation of happiness is if she shut the hell up for once and quieted down. Observed and let it all in, instead of spewing out negativity and her lack of knowledge to the world. A charlatan is what she is, and if she doesn't find any common sense, she'll be dead soon enough. And she'll have blood on her hands for it. She's just got to accept whether she wants to take her own life or the lives of other corrupt human beings who have been trying desperately hard to ruin her life by becoming a vigilante and taking them down. But she doesn't want to deal with the law against doing what she thinks is right. That is, until she switches.