A dog. A freaking dog. That is what started this. A small beagle named Snoopy led me meet none other than NIall Horan. NIALL FREAKING HORAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes i am a directioner, but im the only one who knows it. Why you ask? Because every other directioner, including my best friend Catherine, are absolutely deafening! I for one do not want to annoy too many people with my obsession. I am Amelia. Naturally with that name I have a nickname. That would be Amy. THAT'S MY NAME DON'T WEAR IT OUT! Yes I lost my dog, isn't it TERRIBLE? Not so much in the end actually. It led me to find the brother I never had, so why would it be bad? OOH LOOK A SQUIRREL!!!! Wait, I'm getting distracted. SO yeah i lost my dog, and i looked and looked until my eyes fell out, yup aren't i an attractive eyeless person? I think it brings out my eyes. But when i almost gave up, I heard a knock at my door. Who was there was Nial Horan. WITH MY SNOOPY!! Yes he is real. Snoopy I mean. I didnt know what would happen next, but i found out, all right.Bảo Lưu Mọi Quyền
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