No this ain't gonna be like that movie " Warm hearts" or " Walking Dead" or whatever. There ain't gonna be no romance, no survival angst, nope! Zip non of that! This is the entries of my everyday personal life of a Zombie. Ya read it right Zombie, or walkers, er corpse. Honestly, I have no idea which Zombie universe I'm in. Huh? I guess being self-aware and brain-dead does that to you. Well, I'm the few that can still right, or use voice recording. Why am I doing this? Why share this when no one else will read it or care? Well, cause I have nothing better to do. Oh! Before I forget, which I usually do, my name is Mooooooooooo. Or Mo for short. Welcome to my world, hope ya come to stay.
(Cover is by my sister Elise )