I DO NOT recommend reading this until you fully read my Masters of MT Silver, Survivors and Betrayed High school Teacher as characters from those stories will show up. You will probably be VERY CONFUSED on The OC's behavior. Usually Slow Updates "For every action there an equal and opposite reaction... and for every earth their is the opposite earth, or a negative earth..." Arceus's Slab of Power said "If Power is Destroyed... Another Type of Power will fill its place... If God is killed, Another God will fill its place...... Even if it's evil..." When Earth 1 was created by Arceus, he choose a Human to serve him. His name was Tyler... when Tyler died another Human was chosen... and so on and so on until Arceus met Mr.Crete. Hetook over Me.Cretes body providing him an improved life span and served him for 400 years. Me.Cretes body however still aged and decomposed over time. Arceus was hurting his Body and knew this choosing a new family who had the bonds of Aura within their Veins. The Last living Member of that family was Named Named Satoshi Ketchum. Arceus found a way to give him Immortality - at a cost. He created a slab of power and hid it deep underground in tombs. The slab had the ultimate power and if destroyed, would destroy Arceus as well destroying the world itself and reality would be altered to anyone willing to do so. 26 in total were bonded by one force... the slab of power. At least, the ones Satoshi knew about... Satoshi had children with many names- but they were mostly known as one simple sentence"The Gods of Time, Space and Antimatter..." The slab had grown fragile as Arceus lived on protected by Gods themselves while Satoshi Passed on the title of Supreme God to Ash who Gave his old title to Red. Then accidentally, the slab had grown so weak and snapped in half. Sending the world's into hell itself... Inspired by Marvels Secret Wars Comic Book. Battle World Concept. And DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline.All Rights Reserved