Meet Scarlett Jones one of the biggest wall flowers in Walker Creek High school. With her fun personality you would be surprised that she isn't high on the popularity pyramid. But we never know she might have some feelings for a certain boy she is not supposed to fall for but knows very well. Meet Lillian Young the other wall flower in Walker Creek High School. After giving up all her extra math and science classes she joins the track Team. Bows before bros. Side by side with her best friend Scarlett they decide to change this year, they are tired of getting bullied and teased by their ex-BFFS. Meet Logan Black the player of Walker Creek High School. Heads Over Heels? This guy nails it. Try not to fall for this annoying ignorant star of the Soccer and Track team. Meet Chase Jackson slowly inching up on the popularity ladder. Best Buds with Logan hopefully Chase will learn not to break some hearts. Unlike his best friend. But you never know. Chase is changing. After being teased and bullied all through their first year of highschool, Scarlett and Lillian decide to take a new fashion line. Clean themselves up a bit more and try to see if they can be in the top five on the popularity pyramid. Then things start changing. The halls are cleared for them and lunch seats are saved. Now they know what it's like to be popular. Is it to much for them to handle? Will this change affect them in a positive way? Or will they fall for people they aren't supposed to fall for?All Rights Reserved