3 parts Ongoing In a world of four powerful kingdoms-Spade, Diamond, Club, and Heart-the fate of the realm hinges on mystical cards that grant incredible powers to their holders. Kai, an orphan with a mysterious past, becomes a knight of the Spade Kingdom, alongside his loyal friends Mei and Hiro. As war looms with the Diamond Kingdom, Kai discovers his unique ability to alter destiny itself.
But darker forces are at play. Queen Charna, consumed by grief, seeks to gather all 52 cards to rewrite fate, leading her down a path of betrayal. Meanwhile, the enigmatic Joker, the creator of the cards, manipulates events from the shadows, hinting at a deeper danger-an ominous hole in the earth that threatens to engulf the world.
Bedlam Shamble is a tale of power, destiny, and sacrifice, where heroes must confront their pasts and decide how far they will go to protect their kingdom.