In the middle of the ocean, far away from mainland eyes, hides a city full of magical creatures, humans of another world, angels and demons. Mountains that go beyond the clouds and valleys that go deeper than the ocean. Jungles, magical, beautiful jungles as far as the eye can see. People that vary of color, from bright pink to pitch black to pale green, animals that never once were thought to exist live on the city. Everyone lives peacefully, everyone lives in safety, and most of all, everyone lives happily.
Krystyna, a beautiful, shimmering pearl creature with a long tail, lives within the city. She, however, fears the worst. Whilst everyone was busy with their day-to-day lives, she was able to see something: Hell. Devils and dogs with three heads... she could see it all, just through a doorway. This doorway was located on the Grand Tree. Demons clawed at the door, screaming and yelling at her to let them free. In many days, Krystyna has almost let her curiosity get the best of her, but she rather kept it a secret. She wanted nobody to know about her sight.
What is this doorway? What does it mean? Will the demons eventually break down the door separating Hell from her home? How will Krystyna keep the place safe, knowing that something was trying to destroy it?