Paris - A midnight in Paris, a morning, an evening, a day, week, a month, a year or your whole life. It's worth it! Whatever time you are getting for a rendezvous with this city, grab it. The more the merrier. But as they say, even a minute spent well can last for a lifetime. Who knows you will create memories that will stay with you forever!
I like to believe Paris has had a deep impression on me, one I am very fond of and one I would like to cherish and share with as many people as I can.
This is not a travelogue. This a compilation of my feelings during and after visiting the city, which now holds the position of my favourite city in the world in my heart. And believe me, I am not swayed so easily.
Or may be I am (After all I am one of thousands, may be, million people who have fallen in love with Paris ? )
How does it matters?
What matters is that Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and it definitely deserves atleast one visit, if not more by everyone who can find the means to do so.
Here's to a beauty called Paris, cheers!