An essay I have long intended, but hesitated to write.
Involves specific, ill-understood ways in which my neuro-atypical mind manifests its different talents and shortcomings, and where, as well as how I see something of the same combinations reflected in the two rather more famous and accomplished figures pictured.
Please note, I make no claim whatsoever to Einstein's genius, and would never willingly be associated with Mozart's degeneracy.
To get that out of the way
Of relevance to this essay is that I am somewhat neuro-atypical. I was very late diagnosed as autistic, far too late to be of much help, as by then I'd adapted as best I could to compensate for my shortcomings, though it did give friends and family cause to nod sagely and proclaim themselves not surprised.
I am also Hyperlexic, a condition often related to Autism. In my case I was reading and writing perfectly at age two, though I hasten to add that I did so with a two year-old's maturity and comprehension. Ergo, lots and lots of dinosaurs.
Finally, in later years, following some very intensive self-examination and efforts to, in my words, 'build my own mind', I began, under circumstances then a mystery but now somewhat better understood by me to display flashes of what has been tentatively labeled Savant Syndrome, but which I have kept as far from analysis, other than my own, for reasons which may become apparent.