I am Rose Prime The Hedgehog. I was created by PRIMUS himself (he is not my father) and after a while of living on Cybertron..all out war began. I was shipped off form Cybertron and landed on earth...I lost every memory I had..but I only remembered my name. After a while I got adopted by my first parents. They were a young couple until...they were murdered. Then I was in world war 1 and 2 ...that's when I got sent to an orphanage. And that was also when I...was adopted by a FREAKEN demon couple. When I finally escaped from them I ran. But then I found myself in Texas and that's when I met Cade. When he brought in that semi...EVERYTHING CHANGED. . My skin color is light blue the color of energon while my spikes had lighter blue(like shadow the hedgehogs spikes but hers are like Sonic's but different) I have blue and red Predacon wings on my back. I wear a Autobot necklace but I keep it hidden. I wear a black jacket and I always leave my hood up covering my head and face. My right eye is a different colored blue while my left eye is blind with a large scar on it but I keep it covered by my hair. My forms I wish to not yet talk about. (No Longer Being Continued )All Rights Reserved