"Warren, this girl is dangerous, there is no way you can stop her."
"Wren isn't dangerous, she's scared and confused."
"Warren, your going to get yourself killed."
"I'd rather die than watch Wren go insane."
Her name was Wren. Born into the world as a normal girl. When Wren turned 20 she went through a mutation, She was cursed with pitch black wings. Her family immediately hated her, her father even tried to kill her. Wren ran, she needed to escape but she was struck out of the air. At first Wren thought she was in hell until she saw him, Warren, a mutant who had pure metal wings. Wren took a immediate liking to Warren, but Warren was quiet, everytime she saw him he was alone. Wren tries her best to befriend Warren and succeeds. But she has little time left, something inside her head is driving her insane. Wren disappears from the school, and Warren knows what's going on. It's up to Warren to save Wren, he's up to the challenge even though it may cost him his life.