"I fell towards the ground and a weak light managed to show me where I was laying. On a dead body. I was quicker then ever on my feet again. A flashback of the pregnat woman with panic attack came and I finally understood where I were. On the plane. I stared at the dead body in shock, my eyes were flickering and it felt like I was going to pass out, I couldn't, I shouldn't, I wouldn't. I took deep breaths and tried to work things out. If I was alive, then somebody else could to. In panic I looked all around the plane. Nobody. In stress I lifted all the heavy blocks from the planes walls in hope that somebody alive was trapped. No sign of life. I was all alone on a dessert plane. I just had to accept it." (Chap. 2) |This book might have minor spelling mistakes etc. I'm warning you!|
9 parts