Now listen I know what you're thinking. This is another stupid love Tale on how Cupid makes people fall in love. Or how Cupid falls in love or some s*** like that. Because typically Cupid is a boy Well breaking news everybody I'm a girl But what I want you to know is that this story isn't a story. It's more like an biography/autobiography written weirdly. Now I'm not saying I'm Cupid. Because I'm not. I'm not a descendant of Cupid... well to tell the truth I don't know that.... but what I do know is that I had the ability to see or in other words help someone choose the right person to love. And sometimes it's hard because I'm in high school and not everyone falls for there highschool sweetheart. But there was a trahedy when I was a kid. When I was a kid I had complete and full access to my power. Unlimited power... As you all know with great power come s great responsibility. But when your 8 years old you have no responsibility. I did something terrible Said what I wasn't suppose to say Saw what I wasn't suppose to see Which came at a cost... One I've been paying since I was 8 Its not like i lost my powers I'm still able to figure out what to do to help a relationship But lets just say I'm eat weaker than I was when I was young Who knows maybe when I'm older I understand more And use them probably This isn't Cupid's Story This is my life My legacTodos los derechos reservados