Chance and Anthony used to live in ohio with Jake till Jake moved to LA 1 year after school... 2-3 years later Chance gets a letter in the mail that says to Chance and Anthony. Chance runs to Anthony's house and rings the doorbell... Anthony answers and Chance runs in his place with a letter... They open it and it has 2 plane tickets and a letter from Jake Paul... They read it and for the short version of the letter it says the tickets are to LA so start pack your flight leaves tomorrow morning... They finish reading it and chance runs home to pack and then when he's done he grabs his luggage throws it in the car and drives to Anthony's to sleep over when he gets there Anthony tosses his stuff in the car and goes inside with Chance... 2 hours after dinner they go to bed. In the morning they get dressed and go to the airport for there flight at 9am.