In the summer of 1994, eighteen-year-old Oliver Wood met fourteen-year-old Gustav Olsson, who was a fellow Quidditch enthusiast, and who wanted to be able to play in the World Cup someday.
In 2014, Gustav has finally been able to earn a spot as a chaser for the Nordic Team in the World Cup. He is surprised when he finds out that, when they play against the UK's team, Oliver Wood has earned himself a spot as Keeper. Gustav had almost entirely forgotten Oliver, but remembers him as soon as he hears the name.
Gustav and Oliver get to know one another better, and realize there's more to each other than meets the eye, all while wondering how they would outdo one another in a match.
[A Wizard Romance Story] [Harry Potter, Goblet of Fire + Post-Deathly Hallows] [Oliver Wood X OMC]