Before Arthur was taken away from his family, his mother gave him a dreamcatcher as a memento. He was sent to a mental facility where he was kept until he no longer believed that magic existed. Years passed, and he left the facility at the age of 23. He was getting older, and his health was slowly deteriorating. While fixing boxes of old stuff when he moved in to his new apartment, he found his old dream catcher. Thinking nothing of it but a tool that reminded him of his painful past, he almost threw it away. ... If it didn't turn into a young living boy. Arthur thought nothing of him but a figment of his imagination, but this boy simply won't stop bugging him. He is definitely persistent to make Arthur believe in magic again. Eventually, they grew really close, and little Alfred earned Arthur's trust. Maybe, just maybe, he could make Arthur believe in magic again. He needed to. Because he knows it will cost Arthur his life. Hetalia does not belong to me! </3Tous Droits Réservés
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