Name: Melody Comet Woods
DJ Name: Echo
Age: 16 (Same age as Everyone Else)
Nicknames: Music Princess (Katie, Sadie Justin, Trent, Cody), Firecracker(Izzy), Echo(DJ, Geoff, Harold, Bridgette), Luna and Comet(Duncan, Justin, Gwen) Nova(Owen), Phoenix(Beth), Astrid(Leshawna)
Information about Melody: Melody is Gwen's Adopted little sister as her parents died when she was only 5 years old but her parents loved music so she developed her talent and has become a famous DJ all around the world hence her last name not changing in memory of her parents.
Reason For Total drama: She wants to meet new people and experience new obstacles along her journey of music and romance
Crush/Boyfriend: Duncan
This story was inspired by total drama island (the original cast) and picture and the idea all came from @eavee_ry on TikTok, this story contains gore and had even traumatised me so much I could not sleep, so I suggest if you are not into horror, not to read this! Hope you enjoy. Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes. This is the first story I have ever made but I was interested in writing this as it seemed very interesting on TikTok!