17 Bagian Lengkap DewasaI had been living in this dystopian universe my whole life. We lived simple, meaningless lives. I wasn't sad, merely dissatisfied. No one here was ever sad. The Center, which was our government, forced us to take a pill every morning to make sure we were always happy and healthy.
For most of our lives we lived at home with our odd families that the government stuck us into as babies. Usually five children were put into each household. We grew up together in a single house, raised and taught by a robot even though none of us were related. We lived at home with limitless entertainment in the form of advanced technologies. We had one day of the week for shopping, one day for going out and one day for labor.
On labor days we were assigned a job and had to complete it in order to gain money for the week. Everyone got the same amount no matter the job. If you didn't show up for these jobs there were grave consequences.
The Center often used torture as a method of punishment, or so we were told. No one close to me had ever actually been punished by The Center though. It was incredibly rare.
Most of us lived our lives as good little pawns doing nothing more than eating, sleeping and entertaining ourselves. But one day, my regular boring life changed...