Both were asked two seemingly easy questions... "Who do you love the most?" "Who are you willing to kill for what makes you happy?" ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Lovino and Feliciano lost their grandfather Romulus, or Nonno as they liked to call him, at a very young age. They were forced to go into foster care till a young beautiful women Elizabeta and her slightly grumpy but kind at heart husband adopted them. They already had two daughters of their own. Amelia and Madeline. Amelia was the worst out of the two, always getting them in trouble, always stealing their food always doing everything to make their life a living HELL. Madeline was fine, she just sided with her sister afraid that she will get the same abuse from her. One day they got a invitation to a ball lasting 5 nights to get prince Ludwig's hand in marriage. All men and women are allowed to come. Feliciano and Lovino didn't want to go to the party, they just wanted a few days off of work but unfortunately Cindy purposely made a mess of the house so they weren't allowed to go. No...they're supposed to go! It can't be! What happens when a witch offers them a deal they can't decline...? What is the down part of the deal...? Most importantly... Who do they love more? Their grandfather, each other or the stoic prince and charming guard...? ((A/N Cinderella AU+nyotalia+plot twist))All Rights Reserved