7 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye YetişkinWhere there's smoke, there's always a fire.
"The more you fight it, the more determined I am to prove that you want me."
He says burning holes into my skin with his smudgy blue eyes which only serves to make me moan slightly.
"You're mistaken, I-I don't." I manage on a whisper. Who am I fooling, I want every bit of him. But the last thing I'm going to do is let him know that. Clearing my throat, I try again looking straight into his eyes. "I don't want you Oliver."
He moves fast at the sound of his name and presses me up against the wall.
Closing my eyes, I gasp hard as I'm being shoved against the wall.
"Fuck." He growls. His mouth to my ears. "You said it," He breathe "You finally said it."
After having a shitty relationship with her ex for three years straight, Josephine Patterson decides to take a break from dating for the first time in years to focus on herself. She begins to take her life one day at a time and avoid any interest or talk of relationships from her friends taking things slow and steady till she's gained a solid ground. Billionare, playboy, Oliver Wilde comes into the picture only to destroy every moral she has build and break down every wall she had pulled. Though a madly uncontrollable attraction strikes to break her, Jo fights hard making it almost impossible for Oliver to have her. Oliver Wilde is a playboy billionaire she was assigned to work for, a man who was off limits to Jo, a man who doesn't bulge till he gets what he wants and those realities alone are enough for Jo to run a mile.
What happens when she decides to give in and let her needs take over?
She knows fire is within those blue eyes and she might get burned pretty badly.