Hi, I'm just a novice writer! I'm not good in writing, so I just write anything, everything that pops in my mind. I'm not a native English speaker, I'm not born in a well fed class of family, neither spoon-fed nor studied in an exclusive prestigious school. But I just write a real story, not a fiction one. I am just fond of writing and telling stories I have encountered in our everyday lives. So bear with my writings, whenever the words are jumbling together with all the wrong tenses and errors.
So here I go, it's an instant rough draft, save and publish. Maybe it's just for private viewing only, for my own viewing or to the owner of this website or the wattpad authorized personnel.
A woman is so poor with a sick husband. She's working hard in the farm bearing the role of a breadwinner. She leaves home as early as 5 o'clock in the morning before the sun rises and returns home at nightfall.
On her fourth pregnancy, she gives birth to a very small, fragile baby girl where on her early days she was about to be erased on the face of the earth. The baby cries and cries the whole day until she stops crying and breath no more. The woman is crying, trembling and panicking. They have no money to bring her to the doctor and their only option is to bring the child to a nearby faith healer.
Kosher 18th September 2018)
There is a story that has been whispered into ear after ear across many countries. It's a sad but hopeful story, the story of The Lost Princess of Scotland.
You should know that the story I am about to tell you is true. The horrific events within said story are real, however I should inform you that some details have been altered and exaggerated over the passing years so believe as much as you wish...
Seventeen years after the tragic attack on the Scottish Kingdom, Rosalie is leading a simple life with her Aunt and Uncle in England. Their lives are soon turned upside down when an unwelcome visitor calls upon their cottage. Running for her life Rose stumbles upon the help of Georgiana, Princess of England. Introduced to a whole new way of life, Rose finds herself falling for Georgiana's older brother, Alexander. Lust and power are a dangerous combination and Rose soon finds herself caught in the middle of a treacherous plot.
The Kingdom may not be the safest place to stay after all.
[[word count: 50,000-100,000 words]]