42 Bagian Lengkap DewasaJane Cayce has had a lot on her mind recently, which is hard because she has to have everyone else's thoughts on her mind too. After helping to bring down The Hand, a diabolical organization that threatened the world, she struggles to cope with the loss of an important friend. Coupling that with her telepathic power, it's been a real headache. When she discovers the truth, however, she finds herself being dragged into the darkest corners of Hell's Kitchen by the Devil himself. All she wanted was her friend back, but she isn't so sure if that is who's come back to her. But between a mind-reader and a vigilante with superhuman senses, at least there can't be any more secrets.
(post-defenders daredevil story, taking place in season 3. i don't own daredevil obviously, don't sue me marvel.)